Bioline Agarose is ideally suited for routine analysis of nucleic acids by gel electrophoresis and blotting.
Extremely pure, high molecular biology grade Agarose from Bioline have no detectable DNase or RNase activity, form strong gels with low background upon ethidium bromide or SYBR® Green staining and confer high electrophoretic mobility.
Bioline Agarose sharply resolves DNA and RNA fragments from 100 bp to 40 kb, with consistent resolution from lot-to-lot, making them ideal for analytical separation, analysis and recovery of DNA and RNA in all routine electrophoresis applications. A low EEO (electroendoosmotic) flow minimizes diffusion, so that even the smallest nucleic acid fragments remain sharp and tightly resolved, while a high gel strength aids handling and maintains compatibility with blotting techniques.
Bioline美国BIOLINE 美国BIOLINE公司:分子生物学试剂,生产以重组的脂质体转染试剂及PCR和RT-PCR产品闻名于世。成立于1992年,总部位于分子生物学领域的出色质量和可靠性试剂,包括dNTP,聚合酶和定量梯