qPCR Exogenous Control enables users of diagnostic assay to validate their DNA extraction step. qPCR Exogenous Control is "spiked" into the lysis buffer with the sample prior to DNA extraction.
Following DNA extraction, the reaction mix is added to the extracted DNA prior to amplification. All components required for amplification of sample DNA should also be added. Presence of internal control DNA confirms the success of the extraction step and reduces the chance of obtaining a false negative result in the sample DNA.
A common practice in qPCR is to add a known amount of “spiked” control DNA after DNA extraction. This monitors PCR inhibition but has no value as an extraction control. The ideal situation is to have the test sample and internal control undergo the same processing prior to qPCR. Bioline have specially developed qPCR Exogenous Control, comprising DNA Exogenous Control and 50x Control Mix, to validate extraction of bacterial DNA from human samples such as stool. Genetic material from the test sample and the DNA Exogenous Control simultaneously extracted by common extraction methods, with the DNA Exogenous Control being as sensitive to inhibition and extraction failure as the test sample.
The DNA Exogenous Control is spiked into the lysis buffer with the target sample, prior to DNA extraction. The 50x Control Mix is then added to the reaction mix before amplification. Signal derived from the DNA Exogenous Control confirms the success of the extraction step.
Bioline美国BIOLINE 美国BIOLINE公司:分子生物学试剂,生产以重组的脂质体转染试剂及PCR和RT-PCR产品闻名于世。成立于1992年,总部位于分子生物学领域的出色质量和可靠性试剂,包括dNTP,聚合酶和定量梯